Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

By now, you will all be aware, that the DfE has updated its statutory guidance on ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (KCSIE). The 2023 update will go live on its anniversary of 1 September 2023, and continues to play an important role in protecting children and young people.

As your IT partner, we wanted to make sure you had the most up-to-date guidance on how to do just that, particularly in our joint efforts to create safe spaces for children and young people in the digital world. This year the changes are fewer than in previous issues but no less important, and that’s why we have provided a summary of the digital amendments to KCSIE 2023.


Filtering and monitoring systems should be reflected in training and safeguarding policies.

This is an update as filtering and monitoring systems had been previously referenced in KCSIE 2022, whereby governing boards were given the responsibility to ensure their school has appropriate systems in place and regularly review their effectiveness. But in 2023, and as part of your induction/online safety/safeguarding training, staff will need to be trained in the expectations, applicable roles and responsibilities for filtering and monitoring.

This is not just the role of your IT Manager, there is also an increased emphasis on Governors and School Leadership to ensure that filtering and monitoring systems are effective and align with the DfE’s filtering and monitoring standards for schools and colleges that were launched in March, explaining what schools and colleges need to do to comply.

DSLs also have a responsibility to understand filtering and monitoring systems, ensuring they block harmful and inappropriate content, with effective monitoring strategies in place to be reviewed annually.

It is advised that DSLs, Governors and School leadership also consider implementing the DfE’s cybersecurity standards for schools and colleges for additional safety and security online.


Safer recruitment

Schools will need to inform shortlisted candidates that online searches may be completed as part of the recruitment process. Guidance on document retention relating to recruitment checks has also been made clearer.

KCSIE 2023 also clarifies the importance of ongoing vigilance that should continue after the recruitment process. E.g. ensuring staff are comfortable discussing any safeguarding concerns they may have, including things they may have seen or heard online.

These are the key amendments relating to the digital world and but for a full overview, you will also need to read the document to be sure you are confident in delivering your role and responsibilities.

Non-digital amendments included:

  • clarification that being absent, as well as missing, from education can be a warning sign of a range of safeguarding concerns, including sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or child criminal exploitation,
  • information on responding to allegations related to organisations or individuals using school premises.


Free Walkthrough Webinar – Wednesday 28 June 2023, 3:30pm-4:30pm

Because this is a significant topic, our colleagues at Impero will be running a free webinar on Wednesday 28th June 2023, 3:30pm – 4:30pm, to walk you through the new guidance for September 2023, with a live case study from the Emmanuel School Foundation.

It’s free to attend so register today: Register Here


Of course, if you have any further questions about your digital filtering and monitoring, we’d be happy to help, so please feel free to get in touch.

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